Cognitive Dissonance

Female Genital Mutilation might be illegal, but it still takes place in the UK
Four Iranian men sentenced to death by hanging for sodomy
JC Penney Features Same-Sex Couple in May Catalogue
Church sues woman for $500,000 after negative Google review
Faith healers’ found not guilty on second degree murder charges
How Prayer Ended the Drought in Texas and Stopped the BP Oil Spill
Paul Cameron suggests Obama is gay, demands gays be imprisoned before they rape kids
Cops: Pastor Hid Cameras In Church Bathroom

Beginning clip: Christopher Hitchens

Clips: Jesus Camp, Allahu Akbar, Ellen vs 1,000,000 Moms, Three Stooges, Right Wing Watch on Prayer in Texas, The Simpsons A Few Good Men.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm CDT