Cognitive Dissonance

New 'magic patch' claims to give you abs like Jessica Ennis - without all that exhausting exercise (but does it work?)

Olympic athletes love Kinesio tape, but does it work?

Church slammed for selling blackcurrant cordial and olive oil drink as a 'miracle cure' for cancer and HIV

Two Rivers Lawsuit Claims Sacker Violates Customer’s Religious Freedom

Mississippi Conservative Calls For Putting Gay People To Death On Facebook Page

Three-year-old Malaysian girl killed in suspected exorcism ritual

‘Sex assault’ preacher set for twisted Irish tour

Serbian Priest Kills Drug Addict

Pat Robertson Blames Atheists And Those Who Hate God For Wisconsin Temple Shooting

Christian tells woman to "keep your pu**y clean" because he plans to rape her

This 1880s anti-masturbation armor = the ultimate codpiece for your retro Iron Man costume

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 12:35pm CST