Cognitive Dissonance

Stories from the week

Gay couple sues over 'satan' themed wedding pamphlets [Video]

Grandparents of shackled children say 'God called on' parents to have so many kids

"13 siblings ages 2 to 29 'held captive' by parents, some shackled, officials say - ABC News "

She forced a crucifix down her 'possessed' daughter's throat. Now, she's convicted of murder. - The Washington Post

Study: 42 percent of Republicans believe accurate — but negative — stories qualify as ‘fake news’ - The Washington Post

If it Quacks Like a Duck - Oscillococcinum | Bad Science Debunked | 'Dehumanizing:' Pastor denounces Trump's remarks during service attended by VP Pence

Sandy Rios: Liberals In Hawaii May Have Orchestrated False Missile Alert | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: Media Will Soon Claim Trump Rapes And Eats Haitian Babies | Right Wing Watch


Britt Hermes is a former naturopath who now campaigns against naturopathic practices. She's recently been taken to court in Germany by US-based naturopath ‘Dr’ Colleen Huber in a defamation lawsuit.

Australian Skeptics Inc is managing a fundraising campaign to assist Britt in her current legal action.

Please consider contributing to the Skeptic Law fund for Britt Hermes



"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana Re-Mixed in a Major Key


Secular Therapists/Therapy Please use and share these links with anyone seeking professional help within a secular framework.

SMART Recovery® Local Meetings

Meetings Archive | SECULAR AA

Secular Therapy Project — Recovering from Religion


For those that appreciate visual wordplay on an auditory medium, here is the reference A Malliard Reaction 

Direct download: cd397.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CDT