Feds: Mich. pastor posed as teen to lure girls online
These taxpayer-funded Jewish schools are dooming young men to poverty
Wayne Allyn Root Blames Deaths In Tesla Crash On Environmentalism | Right Wing Watch
Indonesia Church Bombings Carried Out by Family With Children in Tow - The New York Times
Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy - The New York Times
We Made a Tool So You Can Hear Both Yanny and Laurel - The New York Times
Rodney Howard-Browne: It Would Be 'Just Great' To See Government Leaders And SCOTUS Justices Executed For Treason Via Firing Squad | Right Wing Watch
Family Research Council head Tony Perkins tapped for religion commission |
Trump Supporter Wants Muslim 'Hibi-Jabis' Fired From TSA | Right Wing Watch
Trump calls some illegal immigrants "animals" in meeting with sheriffs - CBS News
Trump Refers To Immigrants As 'Animals.' Again. | HuffPost
Brainstorm or Green Needle? - YouTube
200 dropped wallets- the 20 MOST and LEAST HONEST cities - YouTube
How real “crisis actors” help first responders prepare for emergency situations.
FACT CHECK: Did 'The Simpsons' Anticipate a Donald Trump Presidency?