Cognitive Dissonance

Hugo Chávez hints at US cancer plot, Archbishop of Chicago under fire for comparing Gay Pride parade to Ku Klux Klan , 31 years for 31$ worth of weed, Utra-Orthodox bounty, Gingrich’s Commission On Religious Freedom Caters To NOM/Catholics’ Self-Victimization, Gingrich Puts a Price on His Family Values : He sheltered his $4-million book bonanza from his struggling, non-trophy ex-wife, Gingrich Floats Sarah Palin As Possible Vice President Pick, Psychic Predictions for 2012, Why Dr. Oz will not save pharmacy practice, Celebrities and Science 2011, Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars.

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Direct download: cd28.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:29pm CST

Psychic Fails: 2011 Failed and Forgotten Predictions, The $37.6 Million Dollar Fine HE Doesn’t Want You To Know About, 2012 Presidential Candidate Scorecard, Pope Benedict Peace Message Calls For Wealth Redistribution, Vatican Declares Boy's Recovery A 'Miracle', Dad who botched circumcision loses court appeal, Baby’s death shocks parents, EXPERIENCE HOW PROFESSIONAL BIGFOOT TRACKERS OPERATE IN WEEKEND EXPEDITIONS

Clips: Kevin Trudeau, Ghost Busters, Jesus Camp, A Few Good Men.Michelle Bachmann.

Review of our show:

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Direct download: cd27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am CST

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Contest: Want two free plane tickets to the Reason Rally? Social Media Contest: Ten Point Vision of a Secular America.

Christopher Hitchens' 'God Is Not Great' Trends on Twitter, Christians Threaten Violence, Police shave mohawks off punks at Indonesia concert, Saudi Woman Beheaded for 'Witchcraft', The nightmarish SOPA hearings, American public to Congress: Get out. All of you, Rival Campaigns Seize On Romney’s $10,000 Bet, Gingrich: I’ll ‘ignore’ any Supreme Court ruling I disagree with, Biology test omits creation theory, complains Kentucky educator, Anti-Gay Alabama GOPer Secretly Donated Sperm To Lesbian Couples In New Zealand, Jorge Santini, Mayor Of San Juan, Baffles Public With Astoundingly Strange Christmas Photo.

Email stories: AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer Says People Who ‘Disliked’ Rick Perry’s Anti-Gay Ad Approve Of Bestiality, Bradley Manning's gender identity comes up in testimony.

Direct download: cd26.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 8:42am CST

Visit Our Website for the show notes:

Rick Perry's "Strong Ad" Michele Bachmann On Glenn Beck Calls 8 Year Old Boy's Act "Shameless", One Million Moms, N Korea furious at South's Christmas lights plan, Noam Chomsky's "9/11", Atheists Who Go to Church: Doing It for the Children, Followup -Afghan Rapist, Mercy for the drunk Muslim girl gang who attacked woman, Islamic cleric bans women from touching bananas, cucumbers for sexual resemblance, Police: Suspect in Christian pamphlet hit-and-run turns self in, We were interviewed by Patrick Redmond, Skeptics in the Pub Birmingham, it came out last week.

Clips: Bachmann talking about gays from Daily Show, The Simpsons, We wish You a Merry Christmas - by Kevin MacLeod (, President Bush speech after 9/11, Atheists are Parasites - Fox News, Three Stooges, Blood of Jesus - Jesus Camp.

Direct download: cd25.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 1:53pm CST

This weeks news items:
6 Dead From HIV from Holy Water Cure, Kentucky Church Bans Interracial Marriage, Bachmann on US Embassy in Iran, VIDEO Bachmann on Gay Marriage, Indefinite Detention for Americans, Therapist and Satanic Cults, Yoga and Harry Potter are Evil, Gingrich and Child Labor, Patrick Redmond - Skeptics on the Pub Birmingham blog and Podcast.
Clips used:
James Randi on God, Gingrich on American Exceptionalism, Bugs Bunny Hypnosis, Three Stooges, Bachman on Jehova and Gays, Gingrich on CNN, Ghostbusters.
Visit our site for the links to the stories:

Direct download: cd24.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 11:13am CST