Cognitive Dissonance

Thanks to our Guest this time, Mike Hall from Skeptics with a K.

TWiC #5: Sally Morgan and other frauds Child Drowns In Church Baptismal Pool In Indianapolis Indiana lawmaker urges state Republicans to oppose resolution honoring 'radicalized' Girl Scouts Kids turned away from church Time to bar Saudi Arabia from Olympic competition In Georgia, a School Board President Faces Opposition Simply Because He Won’t Reveal His Religious Preference CNN Contributor Dana Loesch Defends Virginia ‘State-Sponsored Rape’ Bill As No Different Than Consensual Sex Afghan anger over Quran burning an emblem of nation’s culture war

Clips: Ricky Gervais, Jesus camp, Bill O'Reilly, Saudi Arabian National Anthem, The Simpsons.

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Direct download: cd36.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 9:59pm CST

Notes for week 2/20/12

Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal Trouble in paradise: Maldives and Islamic extremism Help Saudi writer escape death! Israelis Facing a Seismic Rift Over Role of Women Australia's 'child labour camp' Scientology showdown reveals claims of torture, abuse of dissenting members Mormons baptise parents of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal Four Arrested After Exorcism Goes Bad Religious Music in High School Choir Forces Student to Quit Singing House Democrats walk out over all-male panel on contraception Santorum Tax Returns Draw Critics Of His Low Charitable Giving Evangelist arrested for having sex with a pregnant sheep

Clips: Simpsons “mob”, allahu akbar, Tom Cruise on Scientology, Onward Xtian Soldiers, I am Woman -Helen Reddy, Rick Santorum, A Few Good Men, “Hammock Fight” Kevin McLeod -

Visit our Website at for all the links.

Direct download: cd35.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 8:52am CST

Notes for week 2/13/12

Poll confirms strong sense of faith in S.C. ,Air Force unit removes 'God' from logo; lawmakers warn of 'dangerous precedent'; Shaul Spitzer, Hasidic Man Admits Burning Neighbor In New York Religious Dispute; Google and Disney are Not Getting Better! ;Miracle Soap claims lead to £25,000 fine for religious TV channel ; Second 'sunken UFO' claim doesn't really hold water; The raw milk controversy: Where “natural” means “may contain harmful bacteria” ; Madonna’s NFL Satanic Ritual disguised in the Half Time Show.

Thomas and the bible podcast, youtube channel, facebook. (

Clips: Jesus camp, The Simpsons, Ghostbusters, Madonna ` “Like a Prayer”

Visit our Website at for all the links.

Direct download: cd34.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 1:01pm CST

Notes for week 2/6/12

  • Pastor complains that Starbucks is "turning against God" and following Satan
  • Muslims Declare Jihad on Dogs in Europe
  • One Million Moms to JC Penney: fire Ellen, she's gay
  • Santorum To Gay Man: You Don’t Deserve ‘Privilege’ Of Marriage Because Gay Unions Don’t ‘Benefit Society’
  • Alabama Republican Senator: Low teacher pay mandated by God
  • Indiana Senate passes bill putting religion in science class
  • It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s ‘Bible Man’: Alabama School Board Makes Super-Bad Decision
  • Toddlers subjected to palm-reading assessments in China
  • Quebec woman 'cooked to death': report
  • Romney: 'I'm not concerned about the very poor'
  • Bath Christian group's 'God can heal' adverts banned
  • 'Obedient Wives Club' Irks Some Muslims In Malaysia

Clips: The Simpsons, Pulp Fiction, Ellen Degeneres stand up, Rick Santorum, Bibleman, Jesus Camp and Blue Suede “Hooked on a Feeling”, A Few Good Men, Kevin MacLeod - "At Rest"

Angry Atheist

Visit our Website at for all the links.
Direct download: cd33.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 9:21am CST