Cognitive Dissonance


  1. Laura Ingraham Mocks Greta Thunberg: She’s Like Children Of The Corn – HollywoodLife
  2. Robert Jeffress: Climate Change Is an 'Imaginary Crisis' That God Won't Let Happen | Right Wing Watch
  3. Marching band trolls anti-LGBT university in the best possible way
  4. TWIT - This week in trump
    1. ‘I think you should ask for VP Pence’s conversations’: Trump throws Mike Pence under the bus – Raw Story
    2. Trump’s rationale for withholding aid to Ukraine changed overnight - Vox
    3. Senate unanimously calls for Trump to release Ukraine whistleblower complaint - Axios
    4. Trump calls on nations to reject globalism, embrace nationalism
    5. Trump’s tweet about Greta Thunberg is one of his ugliest yet - Vox
  5. Dave Daubenmire: The Devil Is Using Billie Eilish to Steal Our Children | Right Wing Watch
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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Dark crystals: the brutal reality behind a booming wellness craze | Life and style | The Guardian

Furry Convention Shows Milo Yiannopoulos the Door | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: Talk of Climate Change Is an Effort to Pretend the End Times Aren't Upon Us | Right Wing Watch


Thank you to Glenda from the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago for joining us. Also check out

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Grandfather claims Lourdes holy water cured his cancer | Daily Mail Online

Josh Bernstein: Christine Blasey Ford Was a 'Man-Crazy Little Soon-To-Be-Whore' Who Assaulted Brett Kavanaugh | Right Wing Watch

Pharmacist spared jail after posing as mother of 11-month-old boy so he could be circumcised | Daily Mail Online

Mississippi wedding venue refuses interracial pair over owner's Christian faith - BBC News

Harry Potter books removed from Catholic school 'on exorcists' advice' | Books | The Guardian

Rick Joyner: Christians Need to Establish Militias in Preparation for the Coming Civil War | Right Wing Watch

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

  1. Williamson deletes tweet suggesting 'power of the mind' can deter Hurricane Dorian
  3. Texas gunman had been ruled 'mentally unfit' to buy firearms, used loophole on background check: report | Fox News
  4. After Texas Shooting, Fox & Friends Guest Blames Gun Violence on Decline in Christianity: No 'Morality Without Religion'
  5. YouTube Removes 17,000 Channels for Hate Speech | Hollywood Reporter


This week in trump:

  1. Trump displays map with Dorian's original path extended toward Alabama
  2. Village Idiot Offers Congrats To Poland For Nazi Invasion That Decimated Their Country and Killed Millions | Common Dreams Further
  3. Mike Pence’s stay at Trump’s Doonbeg resort reeks of corruption
  4. Trump Says a Recession Isn’t Possible Because Everyone Is Rich
  1. Founder of conversion therapy organization comes out as gay and apologizes


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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Column: Trickle-down theory is a monstrous lie intended to justify the rich getting richer - Los Angeles Times

Kentucky principal who tried to ban books over ‘homosexual content’ busted for child porn – Raw Story

Gordon Klingenschmitt: Teaching LGBTQ History Is 'An Illegal Measure of Recruiting Children Into Sodomy' | Right Wing Watch

Fox's Diamond and Silk: "With the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit" | Media Matters for America

Dave Daubenmire Questions the Extent of the Holocaust | Right Wing Watch

Trump circles back to 'phony story' about using nukes to blow up hurricanes | TheHill

Alberta supervised consumption sites have 100% success rate at reversing overdoses: report





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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST