Cognitive Dissonance


Danish imam urges govt to accept child marriages among refugees

Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City

Former Yazidi Sex Slaves Form All-Female Battalion ‘Sun Ladies’ to Launch Assault on ISIS

Archbishop wants St. Louis Catholics to drop the Girl Scouts because they ‘move in the ways of the world’

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Gives Bizarre Religious Rant at Ted Cruz Rally [13 minute clip]

'A husband should beat his wife so long as it does not make her ugly': Palestinian leader gives horrific advice for dealing with a rocky marriage  

Rick Wiles: Obama, Hillary And Pope Francis Will Destroy America

Cruz-loving End Times pastor uses numerology to prove Obama sacrificed Scalia in pagan ritual

Direct download: cd280.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

New bill requires men to get permission from their wives before buying Viagra

Franklin Graham: 'Only One Election Left' To Save America From Godless Secularists

Tony Perkins: America May Never Have Another Election If We Don't Elect Ted Cruz

'This Is Your Last Call, America': Glenn Beck Begs South Carolina To Support Ted Cruz, God's Chosen Candidate

Pat Robertson: Bernie Sanders' Youth Supporters 'The Kids Who Want To Do A Panty Raid In The Fraternity'

Pat Robertson: Women in combat are ‘masochistic’ sexual deviants acting out ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

Christian conservatives push child marriage with creepy meme comparing girls to apples

Sandy Rios: Beyoncé Ushering In The Antichrist With Her 'Black Racism' And 'Lawlessness' -

Bryan Fischer Explains How A 'Vapor Canopy' Allowed Methuselah To Live For 969 Years

Rick Wiles: Zika Virus God's Punishment For 'Worshiping Death'


Direct download: cd279.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Anti-gay parents compare LGBT student group at rural Tennessee high school to ISIS and drunk drivers

Illegal Shelter for Needy Tortures and Forcefully Converts People to Christianity

Adult film company offers Ted Cruz $1 million to star in his boyhood fantasy ‘teen t*t film’

Parents are forced to watch ISIS executioner behead their 14-year-old son after he missed Friday prayers  

Christian Teens Are Viewing More Porn Than Ever Before, Says Evangelist Who’s Oddly Shocked By This

Pat Robertson: Obama Destroying America As We Near The End Times

Saudi morality police arrest a sweet shop's MASCOT for 'showing skin'  

Direct download: cd278.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Direct download: cd277.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 12:42pm CST

Direct download: cd276.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Anti-Gay Activist: Christians Need 'Militant, Warrior Mentality' To Defeat 'Satanic' LGBT Movement

Ted Cruz: God Is Helping Me 'Bring America Back From The Abyss'

Rapper B.o.B. Says the World is Flat and He’s Got the Evidence to Prove It

Ted Cruz Welcomes Endorsement Of Mike Bickle, Who Believes Oprah Is A Forerunner To The Antichrist

Bernie Sanders: “I Am Not Actively Involved with Organized Religion”

Direct download: cd275.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST