Cognitive Dissonance

Josh Bernstein: Obama and Clinton Should Be Arrested and Forced to Build Trump's Border Wall | Right Wing Watch

At House Hearing, Google CEO Wrestles with Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory (and Questions About Why My Phone Does That Thing) | Right Wing Watch

David Seaman Prays God Will Destroy Google With an Earthquake | Right Wing Watch

Rick Wiles: Democrats and Russia Worked Together to Take Down the NRA | Right Wing Watch

Suicide homily at Maison Hullibarger's funeral in Temperance horrifies his parents - The Washington Post

Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics - The New York Times

Parkland’s David Hogg sends ‘thoughts and prayers' to the NRA's 'PR team’ after accused Russian agent pleads guilty | TheHill

Direct download: cd449.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

rump Charity to Dissolve Under Deal With N.Y. Attorney General - The New York Times

Pro-Trump ‘journalist’: George H.W. Bush didn’t die of natural causes, he was ‘executed’ – DeadState


Donate to Modest Needs below!


Scathing Atheist Podcast

Direct download: cd448.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Trump quietly shuts down HIV cure research to appease the religious right / LGBTQ Nation

Bishop Blames The Victim, Claims ‘Immodest Dress’ Of Women Causes Sexual Assault | Michael Stone

High school teacher in Virginia fired for refusing to call transgender student male pronouns |

Ann Vandersteel: 80 Percent of Government Leaders Are Involved in Pedophilia | Right Wing Watch

Ritual Held at Trump International Hotel to Protect President from the Deep State


Direct download: cd447.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

NBC News Signal presents factory of lies: Democracy under attack

Break up Facebook (and while we're at it, Google, Apple and Amazon) | Robert Reich | Opinion | The Guardian

Delay, Deny and Deflect: How Facebook’s Leaders Fought Through Crisis - The New York Times

Damage Control at Facebook: 6 Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation - The New York Times

Everything We Know About What Data Brokers Know About You — ProPublica

What Facebook Knew and Tried to Hide - The New York Times

The Business of Internet Outrage - The New York Times

Direct download: cd446.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thank you to everyone that helped us raise 122K for Modest Needs! 

Direct download: cd445.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Administration Admits Border Deployment Was A $200 Million Election Stunt 

Hold 'Crooked Ivanka' accountable

Finland’s president rakes memory for source of Trump remark

Fox News host Chris Wallace tells Trump world sees him as ‘beacon for repression’

Kat Kerr Orders East Coast Winter Storm to Put Out the California Wildfires

Number Of Witches Rises Dramatically Across U.s. As Millennials Reject Christianity

Direct download: cd444.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Hank Kunneman: God Will Release Cures for Cancer and Alzheimer's in Response to Synagogue Massacre | Right Wing Watch

Kat Kerr: 'The Red Tsunami Did Happen' | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: 'We Did Have a Red Tsunami' | Right Wing Watch


Vulgarity for Charity

Modest Needs 

Read more at 2018 Vulgarity for Charity 

Direct download: cd443.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Republican lawmaker admits writing ‘death to gays’ manifesto

Christian TV host: If Dems win the midterms, they’ll ‘burn down churches and kill thousands of Christians’ – DeadState

Democrats won big last night, in a vote that should, and does terrify Donald Trump


Vulgarity for Charity

Modest Needs 

Read more at 2018 Vulgarity for Charity 


Direct download: cd442.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Jordan Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy - The New York Times

Mueller Accuser Jack Burkman Promoted Baseless Conspiracy Theories, Accused Chief Justice Roberts of Using Opioids | Right Wing Watch

Plot to Smear Mueller Unravels as F.B.I. Is Asked to Investigate

Gab: The Social Media Platform Where Anti-Semites and White Nationalists Have Free Rein | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: Bombs Sent to Democrats May Have Been 'A White Hat Operation' | Right Wing Watch

Plot to Smear Mueller Unravels as F.B.I. Is Asked to Investigate - The New York Times

Lance Wallnau: Mail Bombs Were a Demonic Attempt to Dissuade Christians from Voting Republican | Right Wing Watch



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Vulgarity For Charity

Direct download: cd441.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Important Links

What is a Provisional Ballot?  

How to Handle Voter Supression 

Importance of Split Tickets 

Key Races 



Stories from the Week

Rodney Howard-Browne: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Should be Shot for Treason | Right Wing Watch

Trump Says He's a 'Nationalist,' The Far-Right Cheers | Right Wing Watch

Bible Museum admits some of its Dead Sea Scrolls are fake

Neo-Nazi Website Targets Andrew Gillum with Florida Robocall | Right Wing Watch

When Trump Phones Friends, the Chinese and the Russians Listen and Learn - The New York Times

Todd Starnes: Treat Immigrant Caravan like 'Invading Force' Committing 'Act of War' | Right Wing Watch

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration - The New York Times

Direct download: cd440.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Democrats Surge Ahead of Republicans in Fund-Raising for Key Races - The New York Times

Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018 - The New York Times

Pope compares abortion to hiring a hit man to solve problems - ABC News

Jamal Khashoggi’s Disappearance: What We Know and Don’t Know - The New York Times

Simple Debate Question Stumps Ted Cruz Into 6 Seconds Of Painful Silence | HuffPost

Trump Calls Stormy Daniels ‘Horseface’ in Gloating Twitter Post - The New York Times

The Sex Abuse of Deaf Orphans in Pope Francis’ Backyard


Close races:




Direct download: cd439.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Mark Taylor: Trump Downgraded Hurricane Florence with Weather Control Technology | Right Wing Watch

Michele Bachmann: 'We Are Living In An Unparalleled Golden Time' Under Trump | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones Says He's 'Already Won' And Is 'Ready To Die' | Right Wing Watch

PayPal bans Infowars for promoting hate - The Verge

Trump Says He and Kim Jong Un ‘Fell in Love’ - WSJ

Direct download: cd438.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Pastor: Christians Should Skip the Weddings of Couples That Had Premarital Sex | Sarahbeth Caplin | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Paul Begley: Kavanaugh Allegations Represent 'The Darkest Hour in the Last 150 Years' | Right Wing Watch

Dave Daubenmire: It's 'Sexual Abuse' for Women to Lead Men On | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: Kavanaugh's Confirmation Is the Final Step Before Mass Arrests and Military Tribunals | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd437.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST


Stories from the Week

Demons and Armageddon: details emerge in naked kidnapping case | World news | The Guardian

Blasey Ford 'Involved in Mind-Control Program,' Says Dave Janda and His Obviously Reliable Sources | Right Wing Watch

Gordon Klingenschmitt Decries the 'Homosexualization' of Bert and Ernie | Right Wing Watch

‘People actually laughed at a president’: At U.N. speech, Trump suffers the fate he always feared

Updates From the Riveting Testimonies of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh - The New York Times

The strangest moments from Donald Trump's UN press conference – video | Global | The Guardian

God Save The Queen

Direct download: cd436.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Christine Blasey Ford Opens Negotiations on Testimony Next Week - The New York Times

Sarah Sanders will lie for Trump because she thinks she's 'defending God's chosen leader': Ex-Baptist pastor

'We Prayed and Look at That': Pat Robertson Credits Prayer for Redirecting Hurricane Florence Away From His Ministries

Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Fox News priest assures storm victims that little girl who died in hurricane is part of 'God's purpose'

Mark Taylor: John McCain Was Executed By A Military Tribunal | Right Wing Watch

Rick Joyner: Hurricane Florence Will Be 'A Major, Major Blessing' | Right Wing Watch

Schoolgirl who refused to stand for national anthem responds to Pauline Hanson 


Direct download: cd435.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Former Texas regulator is out as CEO at biblically oriented oil firm

Report: 3,677 sex abuse cases in German Catholic Church | Boston Herald

Alabama Pastor Cuts Up Nike Gear from Pulpit: ‘I Ain’t Using That No More’

Susan Collins claims Kavanaugh Crowdpac campaign is a bribe - Vox

Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing In Aurora, Illinois – The New York Herald

FACT CHECK: Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing?

Trump says 3,000 people did not die in Puerto Rico hurricanes

6 Gross Foods from a 50's Cookbook (That We Taste Tested)

Brian Kemp's Badass Georgia Governor Campaign Ad - YouTube



Thank you to MJ Mouton for joining us:

Follow him on Twitter @mj_mouton 

Get his book here:

Direct download: cd434.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Christian Zealot Beheads Girlfriend Because She Refused To Repent | Michael Stone

Man who stabbed American tourists in Amsterdam names Wilders, cites 'insults' to Islam

BuzzFeed News report on abuse at St. Joseph's Catholic orphanage

Liz Crokin Blames Her Surfing Injury On A Spell Cast By Hillary Clinton | Right Wing Watch

How God Confirmed The Legitimacy Of QAnon Via A Prophetic Dream | Right Wing Watch

Anonymous Op-Ed in New York Times Causes a Stir Online and in the White House - The New York Times

Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop Pays $145,000 Over Jade Vaginal-Egg Claims

'Don't touch me': Marco Rubio and Alex Jones clash – video | Global | The Guardian






Direct download: cd433.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

The Prison Strike Is an Overdue Opportunity to End the Slavery of Incarcerated People : politics

Trump cancels Pompeo trip to North Korea, cites lack of 'sufficient progress' on denuclearization : politics

19 Noncitizens Voted Illegally in 2016 in North Carolina, U.S. Charges  

Jim Bakker Won't Wear A Trump Hat For Fear Of 'Being Murdered In The Street' | Right Wing Watch



Caller Asks Alex Jones About the Trans Porn 

Direct download: cd432.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Trump Meets QAnon Kook Who Believes Democrats Run Pedophile Cult : politics

Political positions of John McCain 

Charged with Fraud, Duncan Hunter Throws His Wife Under Bus : politics


David Pakman

David Pakman Show YOUTUBE 

Direct download: cd431.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:12am CST

Trump insists hush money payments by Cohen were legal - BBC News

NY Bishop Rape Shames Abuse Victims: Boys Are 'Culpable' For Their Actions At 7 Years Old

‘Silent Sam’ Confederate Statue Is Toppled at University of North Carolina - The New York Times

Trump Says Hispanic-American Border Patrol Agent ‘Speaks Perfect English’ - The New York Times

Giuliani Says ‘Truth Isn’t Truth’ in Defense of Trump’s Legal Strategy - The New York Times

Indonesia woman irked by mosque noise convicted of blasphemy - ABC News

"'Firefighter Prophet' Mark Taylor Says The Military Is Gearing For Underground War With Pedophiles | Right Wing Watch

EMP Attack, Economic Collapse Await U.S. Absent A 'Great Awakening,' Warns Rodney Howard-Browne | Right Wing Watch




Direct download: cd430.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Pennsylvania Grand Jury Says Church Had a ‘Playbook for Concealing the Truth’ - The New York Times

Argentina: After Abortion Vote, Thousands Renounce Catholic Church Membership | News | teleSUR English

'Unite the Right 2': Private Train Car, Police Escort for 20 Racist Extremists | Right Wing Watch

Who are QAnon supporters? The QAnon subreddit, analyzed with data. - Vox

'It's A Big Lie': Rick Wiles Says QAnon Is A Deep State Misinformation Campaign | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: Groups Combating Human Trafficking Are 'Actually Fronts To Traffic Kids' | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd429.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

The Day Donald Trump Told Us There Was Attempted Collusion with Russia | The New Yorker

Fox News Thinks Trump Shouldn't Talk to Mueller Because He's Not Allowed to Even "Tell One Lie" | GQ

Why Infowars’ Alex Jones was banned from Apple, Facebook, Youtube and Spotify | PolitiFact

Kevin Swanson: ‘God Is Burning Down California’ As Punishment For Legitimizing Homosexuality

Obama Made Tech Companies Ditch Alex Jones, Says Rick Wiles | Right Wing Watch

'Translated By Faith': Rick Joyner's Tale Of Teleportation | Right Wing Watch



An Indian priest smashes COCONUTS on these worshippers heads – ouch! 😲😱


Scathing Atheist

iTunes | Patreon

Citation Needed

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iTunes | Patreon

God Awful Movies

iTunes | Patreon

Direct download: cd428.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

The Jeff Sessions tweet, and Trump's other most problematic obstruction-y tweets - The Washington Post

'QAnon': A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to Trump's 'MAGA' tour - The Washington Post

QAnon Meets The Mainstream At Tampa Trump Rally | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: John F. Kennedy Jr. Faked His Death And Is Now QAnon | Right Wing Watch

Catholic Nuns Are Speaking Out About Their Own Abuse at the Hands of Priests – Friendly Atheist

Alex Jones Travels The Spectrum Of Human Emotions Over Spotify Boycotts | Right Wing Watch

Trump Says You Need an ID to Buy Groceries. Shoppers Say, ‘Huh?’ - The New York Times


Catherine Tate Show - Posh Mum Series 1 

Catherine Tate - Posh People 

Direct download: cd427.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

‘Atheist PM’ to blame for deadly fires, says Greek bishop | News |

Utah man is accused of stabbing to death his 10-month-old son | Daily Mail Online

UPDATE: White House Fixes Omission in Trump/Putin Transcript | Law & Crime

The latest Trump scandal would have destroyed any other president | Jonathan Freedland | Opinion | The Guardian

Rick Wiles: We're 72 Hours Away From A Coup During Which Trump Will Be Decapitated On The White House Lawn | Right Wing Watch

Infowars: Deep State Trump Assassins Will Use 'Internet Kill Switch' In Cover-up | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: A Packet Of My Coffee Will Get You A New Car When The End Times Come | Right Wing Watch


Citation Needed Live Tickets 




Direct download: cd426.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the Week

Would It or Wouldn’t It Be Russia: Trump Goes Double Negative - The New York Times

Opinion | Trump, Treasonous Traitor - The New York Times

Gay men, adulterers publicly flogged in Aceh, Indonesia - CNN

The Bloodstains On The Shroud Of Turin Are Probably Fake, Say Forensic Experts

Idaho man abused kids, woman knew about it, charges claim | Idaho Statesman

Police: Church Official Stole More Than $125K « CBS Miami

Liz Crokin: Trump Confirmed The Existence Of A Video Showing Hilary Clinton Torturing A Child | Right Wing Watch

From email:

You Can’t Unsee Donald Trump in Spam Form - Eater

Walgreens pharmacist refuses to fill prescription for a miscarriage - CNN

Tysonism - Space Force Song | Facebook

Batman Movie 1966 "Sea for Catwoman" - YouTube

Rappin' for Jesus - YouTube



Direct download: cd425.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST


Perry Stone: Many World Leaders Are Luciferians Who Pray To Satan Before Dinner | Right Wing Watch

Paul McGuire: America Is Controlled By A 'Hidden Network Of Practicing Pedophiles' | Right Wing Watch

The Link Between Astrology and Health - Your Worrying and Anxiety Could Be Because You’re Not Getting Enough of This! | The Dr. Oz Show

Direct download: cd424.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

If you haven't yet check out this miniseries on Netflix about Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho). Otherwise be ready for some spoilers. It will still make you want to watch it either way.
Pretty wild story.
Direct download: cd423.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thank you to Andy and Marsh from Merseyside Skeptics from coming on. If you want to learn more about QED visit:

It's an excellent convention - we highly recommend attending.




Behind Trump’s Plan to Overhaul the Government: Scaling Back the Safety Net - The New York Times

Jeff Sessions Says It's 'Painful' Hearing Christians Condemn His Family Separation Policy | HuffPost

Self-Described 'Classical Liberal' YouTubers Join Far-Right European Political Party | Right Wing Watch

Dave Daubenmire Melts Down Over Criticism Of Trump's Family Separation Policy | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd422.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thanks to Thomas for joining us! By his next guest appearance we expect him to create about 4 more shows. 

Serious Inquiries Only PATREON 

Serious Inquiries SUPPORT

Thomas and the Bible PATREON 

Philosophers In Space PATREON


Stories from the Week

Dave Daubenmire And Rick Wiles Perfectly Demonstrate Why They Are Shunned By Mainstream Society | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: Kate Spade Was Killed To Keep Her From Ratting Out The Clintons | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd421.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Immigration law, new policy and children and familiesseparated at the border - the facts - CBS News

Elizabeth Warren Says Let's Be Clear: Trump IsHolding "Thousands of Kids Hostage to Try and GetCongress to Pay for His Stupid Wall"

‘Womp Womp’: Corey Lewandowski Mocks Child WithDown Syndrome Separated From Mother - The NewYork Times

WATCH: Trump Apologist Accuses Caged ImmigrantChildren of Engaging in Sexual Activity

Paul Begley: Did 'Illuminati Assassins' Target LarryKudlow With A Heart Attack Gun? | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd420.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Church members angry over placement of giant Marilyn Monroe statue in Conn. | TheHill

Man gets $75 after being wrongly imprisoned for 31 years

Christian Activist Will “Shame” Gays, Women, and Muslims Into Accepting Jesus – Friendly Atheist

Pope Francis Accepts Bishop Juan Barros’ Resignation Amid Child Sexual Abuse Scandal

Lance Wallnau Claims His False Prophecy Was True, But The Evidence Is 'Being Suppressed' | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: Pedophile Spiritual Vampires Are Feeding On The Essence Of Children | Right Wing Watch

Ireland to vote on removing blasphemy as an offence | World news | The Guardian

The Link Between Astrology and Health 

'Christianity is not on trial': baby custody case pits B.C. zealots against state | CBC News



Citation Needed


Direct download: cd419_patrons-reup.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Mark Taylor: Hurricanes Will Be Created To Suppress Pro-Trump Voter Turnout | Right Wing Watch

Crocodile kills Ethiopian pastor during lake baptism - BBC News

US Supreme Court backs Colorado baker's gay wedding cake snub - BBC News

Lance Wallnau: God Is Using 'The Wrecking Ball Of Heaven' To Take Down Trump's Critics | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones Defends Roseanne Barr's Racist Tweet By Comparing Himself To A Gorilla | Right Wing Watch




Chris Matheson

BOOK: The Trouble with God: A Divine Comedy about Judgment (and Misjudgment)

Direct download: cd418.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

Donald Trump just put the 'Me' in his Memorial Day tweet

Carl Gallups: Trump's Demand For An Investigation Into 'Spygate' Is Really About Uncovering Obama's Birth Certificate | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: 'The Boy Scouts Of America Is A Pedophile Induction Center' | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker Knows In His 'Spirit' That 100 Hit Men Have Been Hired To Kill Trump | Right Wing Watch

Irish Catholics worry abortion vote signals weakening influence of church - National |

Trump tweets regret for picking Jeff Sessions, but advisers say he’s unlikely to fire him - The Washington Post

The Health 202: Why Hurricane Maria killed not dozens but thousands of Puerto Ricans - The Washington Post

What are The Queen’s powers? – Royal Central

"Once Unspoken" Direct Link 


GUEST: Marissa Alexa McCool

Marissa Alexa McCool Website


Inciting Incident Podcast

Inciting Incident Podcast LIBSYN 

Inciting Incident 150th episode with Bethany Futrell, Alix Jules, Mandisa Thomas, Stephanie Zvan, and Jenica Crail 

Direct download: cd417.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Pat Robertson Tells Woman Her Disease Returned Because She Wasn’t Godly Enough – Friendly Atheist

Dave Daubenmire: The Royal Wedding Was A 'Psy Op' To Promote 'The Blending Of The Races' | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: The Democratic Party Uses MS-13 To Kill People | Right Wing Watch

Trump cancels nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Three reasons moderate Republicans are backing an immigration vote to protect dreamers - Washington Post

Trump again smears a large immigrant community with the violent actions of a few people - The Washington Post

How the Mueller Investigation Could Play Out for Trump - The New York Times

Republican lawmaker: Rocks tumbling into ocean causing sea level rise 

Flying Horse - Gatorrada (Cat-Toast) 



Citation Needed Live Show!

Sat, August 11, 2018

Victory Gardens Biograph Theater (map)

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM CDT

Get Tickets Now 

Direct download: cd416.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

Feds: Mich. pastor posed as teen to lure girls online

These taxpayer-funded Jewish schools are dooming young men to poverty

Wayne Allyn Root Blames Deaths In Tesla Crash On Environmentalism | Right Wing Watch

Indonesia Church Bombings Carried Out by Family With Children in Tow - The New York Times

Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy - The New York Times

We Made a Tool So You Can Hear Both Yanny and Laurel - The New York Times

Rodney Howard-Browne: It Would Be 'Just Great' To See Government Leaders And SCOTUS Justices Executed For Treason Via Firing Squad | Right Wing Watch

Family Research Council head Tony Perkins tapped for religion commission |

Trump Supporter Wants Muslim 'Hibi-Jabis' Fired From TSA | Right Wing Watch

Trump calls some illegal immigrants "animals" in meeting with sheriffs - CBS News

Trump Refers To Immigrants As 'Animals.' Again. | HuffPost

Brainstorm or Green Needle? - YouTube

200 dropped wallets- the 20 MOST and LEAST HONEST cities - YouTube

How real “crisis actors” help first responders prepare for emergency situations.

FACT CHECK: Did 'The Simpsons' Anticipate a Donald Trump Presidency?

Direct download: cd415.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

Franklin Graham: Trump’s Affair with Stormy Daniels is “Nobody’s Business” – Friendly Atheist

Alex Jones: Trump Is Fighting A Computer Program That Has Decided To Kill Humans | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: We'll Soon See More Than 20,000 People Arrested For 'The Rape, Torture And Sacrifice Of Children' | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: 'I Would Believe A Million' People Are Trying To Kill Trump | Right Wing Watch

Michael Snyder Says That If Elected, He'll Be 'Ranting Like Alex Jones' On The House Floor | Right Wing Watch

Minnesota priest accused of abusing 60 boys in Guam -

Why the uninsured rate is rising—and only for Republicans.

Money Flowed to Michael Cohen. Where Did It Go? - Bloomberg

Trump appointing Dr. Oz to his sport, fitness and nutrition council - CNNPolitics

People think she’s a Parkland ‘crisis actor.’ It’s terrifying.

Rudy Giuliani's Quotes Trump the Truth for the President | National Review

Trump makes it explicit: Negative coverage of him is fake coverage - The Washington Post


Additional Links

The hunchback Of Notre Dame Hellfire English (Disney) 

TheWoodHardShop Etsy Store 

WYOaids Assistance 

Hope After Dark 018 - Cognitive Dissonance 

Direct download: cd414.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

It appears China has stopped buying soybeans from the US altogether because of trade fight

China Shunning U.S. Soybeans on Trade Tensions, Bunge CEO Says - Bloomberg

4 things to remember about the North Korea talks - Chicago Tribune

Focus on human rights fades as U.S., South Korea pursue North Korea deal

Trump Admits To Authorizing Stormy Daniels Payoff, Denies Sexual Encounter : NPR

Feds monitored Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's phones

Seattle Vacates Hundreds of Marijuana Charges Going Back 30 Years

The men arrested at Starbucks are paying it forward big time - CNN

What are Poverty Thresholds and Poverty Guidelines? | Institute for Research on Poverty | University of Wisconsin–Madison

HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s proposal to triple rents for poorest households would hurt single mothers 

the most - The Washington Post

Michelle Wolf Selective Outrage Is More Than Simple Hypocrisy | National Review

Trump Wants Presidential Elections to Be Decided by Popular Vote, Which He Lost

Direct download: cd413.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Bryan Fischer: Jewish People & Other Non-Christians Don't Have First Amendment Rights | Right Wing Watch

Iowa approves 'most restrictive abortion bill in US' - BBC News

Tennessee lawmakers OK monument ‘In Memory of the Victims of Abortion’ |

Jim Bakker: Government Scientists Say Morningside Is The Best Place To Ride Out The End Times | Right Wing Watch

Gun Owners Of America's Larry Pratt Suggests 'Little Twerp' David Hogg May Be Crisis Actor | Right Wing Watch

Toronto Van Attack Suspect Expressed Anger at Women - The New York Times

Jim Bakker: God Sent Two Scientists To Cure Cancer, But They Were Aborted | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker Bucket Taste Test | Good Mythical Morning 

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year 

If Alex Jones did Voiceover for Doom(2016) | YouTube 

Direct download: cd412.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thank you to Noah Lugeons for joining us at Glory......HOLE Studios. 


Stories from the Week

'This Is Hitler On Steroids': Rick Wiles Claims The US Has Secretly Created Super Soldiers 'Without A Soul' | Right Wing Watch

Jesse Lee Peterson Blasts 'Stupid' White People Who Tried To Prevent Two 'Bad Blacks' From Being Arrested At Starbucks | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin Claims That She Knows 'One Hundred Percent' That 'A Video Of Hillary Clinton Sexually Abusing A Child Exists' | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd411.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thank you to Jim and Aaron from Waiting4Wrath for joining us. Make sure to check out their website: 

Please consider donating to the following charity: 

Stories from the Week

Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation | TheHill

Alex Jones Claims Attractive Women Tried to Date Him In High School To Convert Him To Satanism | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones Had A Weekend Meltdown After Trump Announced Syria Airstrikes | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd410.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thank you to Dr. Abby Hafer and Karen Garst for joining us this week. Their links are below.

Stories from the Week

Priest Who Was Arrested Twice for Child Sex Crimes Says Teen Boy “Seduced” Him – Friendly Atheist

Trouble for ‘Oru Adaar Love’: Two Hyderabad residents move SC, say winking is blasphemy in Islam | The Indian Express

Christian Host: Evangelicals Back Trump Because His Oval Office is Scandal-Free – Friendly Atheist

Biblical prophecy claims the Rapture is coming April 23, numerologist says | Fox News

Harry Jackson Says Black Lives Matter Can Never Achieve True Justice Because There Are 'A Few Lesbians' In Leadership Positions | Right Wing Watch

Arizona House Passes Bill Requiring Women Seeking Abortions To Say Why | HuffPost


Karen Garst

Abby Hafer

Direct download: cd409.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week


After Getting Booted From YouTube, Rick Wiles Warns That Leftists Will Soon Start Executing Christians | Right Wing Watch


Right Wing Pastor: I Squished An Ant And Then I Raised It From The Dead And Then It Looked At Me [VIDEO] - Joe.My.God.


Alex Jones: 'Globalists' Use Cell Phones To Commit 'Silent, Invisible Holocaust' | Right Wing Watch


EPA's Pruitt Hears From Bible Study Leader That 'Radical Environmentalism' Is A 'False Religion' | Right Wing Watch


Republican governors try to avoid holding special elections - Voting for state legislatures

Direct download: cd408.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Thank you to Johann Hari for joining us this week. You can find out more about Johann's work at:

Twitter: @johannhari101

Stories From The Week

Fake photo of Parkland student ripping up Constitution goes viral | TheHill

Republican governors try to avoid holding special elections - Voting for state legislatures

At Long Last, Flat Earth Rocketeer Finally Manages to Blast Himself Into Sky at God Knows What Speed

Wayne Allyn Root: Chicago & Baltimore Are 'Third-World Hellholes' Because 'They Don't Practice Capitalism' | Right Wing Watch

Atlanta mom crashes car trying to prove to her kids that God is real



Direct download: cd407.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Check out Tiny Thinkers and MJ Mouton's books at

Stories from the week

John Oliver’s Gay-Bunny Book Is Outselling the Mike Pence Book It’s Trolling | Vanity Fair

Abortion rates go down when countries make it legal: report

2-year-old girl dies after parents treat her pneumonia with prayers and anointing oil instead of medicine

Stephen Hawking: No, Pope Francis did not convert the atheist before his death - The Washington Post

Televangelist Lance Wallnau Compares Students Protesting For Gun Control With ‘The Brownshirt Hitler Youth’ – Nova Magazine

Head of Christian College: When You See LGBTQ, “Replace Those Letters With ISIS” – Friendly Atheist

Chief rabbi calls black people 'monkeys' | The Times of Israel

Jim Bakker: God-Haters Are Working To Remove All The Crosses From Arlington National Cemetery | Right Wing Watch

Woman Dies Due to Gwyneth Paltrow-Endorsed Bee Sting Acupuncture Treatment – Friendly Atheist



Nickelback Shreds - Photograph

Direct download: cd_406.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week

Trump floats the idea of creating a 'Space Force' to fight wars in space

Jesus Christianity jailed for Pride Cymru bomb threat - BBC News

Catholic Church opposes Georgia law extending time for sex victims to sue | Boston 25 News

Pat Holliday: Hillary Clinton 'Is The Head Of Witchcraft In The World' | Right Wing Watch

Rick Wiles Suggests Hillary Clinton Was Behind Recent Poisoning Of Russian Spy | Right Wing Watch

Right-Wing Pastor Says Removal Of Confederate Monuments Is 'Spiritual Preparation' For The Coming Of The Antichrist | Right Wing Watch

Tomi Lahren: Liberals Want To Impeach Trump Because He's 'Too Good' At Being President | Right Wing Watch

From Natalie



From Aaron




From Shane



Dreamer @_enfantterrible: 

"i had a dream were I was being chased by some menace that I believe to be military police. at some point I they caught up to me and tackled me to the ground and held me down. one of them took out a knife and started carving a word on the back of my neck. it was the word happiness"

Tom: This is an Alex Jones rape fantasy 


Dreamer @awesomecanada:

"Alright, so I had a doozy of a dream last night. After scoring some weed at my old HS, that wasn’t really my old HS, I was walking home in the snow when the night sky was filled with spinning UFOs, all alight and humming melodically.  Some celestial beings transported down... 

And we went sledding down hill.  One of the beings, in female human form, got badly injured from sliding into a tree.  We took her to my old church basement, where a preteen dance party was underway, where she changed into her true form.  A 2-headed octopus creature. Then I woke."

Tom: This dream is about your mother. You want to fuck your mother. You need help. 


Dreamer David:

I once dreamt about two bread sticks after eating bread sticks and two bread sticks is 11 so I pretty much predicted September 11....... sorry I would have warned you guys but it happened in 2010.

Tom: This is also am Alex Jones rape fantasy 


Who Is Alex Jones? | Super Deluxe Super Cuts 

Direct download: cd405.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week

Far-Right Radio Host Claims Barack Obama Is Forming A Private Army To Assassinate Government Leaders | Right Wing Watch

National Geographic Just Sent Me a Crystal Healing Water Bottle [Updated]

Thank you to David Silverman for being on the show!

President of American Atheists, Author of Fighting God, Creator & Chair of the 2012 Reason Rally.

David Silverman Twitter

American Atheists 2018 National Convention

Direct download: cd404.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week

Alex Jones Accused of Sexual Harassment, Bullying at InfoWars - The Daily Beast

Former Infowars employees claim Alex Jones harassed them | Daily Mail Online

Prophets Gather At Trump's Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies | Right Wing Watch

Former Third-Level Illuminati Witch Predicts The End Times Will Begin In 2032, Once President Pence Leaves Office | Right Wing Watch

Holocaust Denier Will Be GOP Nominee In Congress Race – The Forward

Paul Begley: Obama Is Leading An Illuminati Plot To Assassinate Trump | Right Wing Watch

It's not okay how clueless Donald Trump is about climate change | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian

Far-Right Radio Host Claims Barack Obama Is Forming A Private Army To Assassinate Government Leaders | Right Wing Watch 

How God Intervened To Stop Hillary Clinton And Satan From Killing 90 Percent Of Humanity | Right Wing Watch

Wall In a can - YouTube

Which Mammals Don't Get Arthritis (and why) - YouTube

TUNAK TUNAK TUN METAL | Bonde do Metaleiro & Bloodywood - YouTube

Christian Blasphemy Suspect in Pakistan Jumps from Building

‘Pro-lifers’ who’d execute women & popes who hate ‘fake news’

Married Youth Pastor Sexually Abused 14-Year-Old Girl (and His Church Hid It) – Friendly Atheist

Direct download: cd403.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week

White christians are so mad that black christians don't vote for people that actively welcome white nationalists. I have no idea why


Gloria Copeland: No Need For Flu Shots Because 'Jesus Himself Gave Us The Flu Shot' | Right Wing Watch

Sessions Has Installed “Religious Freedom” Monitors at U.S. Attorneys’ Offices – Friendly Atheist

"Traditional marriage" lawmaker resigns after allegedly hiring prostitute

Alex Jones: Transgender Rights Activism Is Really About Cyborgs | Right Wing Watch

Pakistan court convicts 31 over campus lynching of student falsly accused of blasphemy

11 Hildale city employees resign, at least one because of religious beliefs |

Kevin Swanson Blames Larry Nassar Sexual Assault Scandal On The Fact That Gymnastics 'Involves A Fair Amount Of Immodesty' | Right Wing Watch

Direct download: cd402.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Seth Andrews joins Tom & Cecil to ruminate on the maniacal vocal stylings of the inimitable Alex Jones.
If you haven't yet take a listen to Part 1 with Seth Andrews

Thanks to all our Patrons for supporting us to 400 episodes. Cheers to 400 more! You f*cking rock.


Stories from the Week

Jerusalem expert slams Pence for treating his city like an 'end-of-days Biblical theme park'

Mike Pence gas-lights gay people: I never supported conversion therapy

Alex Jones: God Will Destroy ‘Demon Spawn’ CNN Reporter Brian Stelter | Right Wing Watch

UK's First Guide Horse?

Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund


Images from the Week

Check out the images on


Make sure you follow Seth Andrews

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The Thinking Atheist PODCAST

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The Thinking Atheist YOUTUBE

Seth Andrews Wikipedia <- read it NOW!


Direct download: cd401.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

In this episode Seth Andrews joins Tom & Cecil to discuss important ethical and sociopolitical stories that make the news... Ok fine they giggle about religious wackadoos that do stupid things and then they make dicks jokes. You know what you signed up for!

Stories from the Week

Televangelist thanks followers, Jesus for buying him private jet - NY Daily News

Fake 'God Helmet' can elicit extraordinary experiences -- especially among 'spiritual' people

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ‘a Mulligan’ on Life, Stormy Daniels - POLITICO Magazine

'He's not President Perfect': Watch Evangelist Franklin Graham blow off Trump affair with adult star Stormy Daniels

Former RNC Chair Michael Steele: Trump’s Evangelical Backers Need To ‘Shut The Hell Up’

California pastor used church to ‘satisfy his fetish’ for explicit photos — and his wife helped: lawsuit


Make sure you follow Seth Andrews

The Thinking Atheist PODCAST

Seth Andrews PATREON

Seth Andrews TWITTER

The Thinking Atheist TWITTER

The Thinking Atheist FACEBOOK

Seth Andrews WESBITE

The Thinking Atheist YOUTUBE

Seth Andrews Wikipedia <- read it NOW!

Direct download: cd400.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week

If Pelosi brings 'Dreamers' to the State of the Union, Trump should bring ICE agents | Fox News

Gay man and straight woman who married to prove their commitment to Mormon church announce divorce | The Independent

Catholic Church Needs More Exorcists Due to Urgent Increase in Demonic Activity, Priest Warns

Trump’s Health Department Expected to Declare Life Begins at Conception, Turn Evangelical Positions Into Policy

Lance Wallnau: Trump Was Casting Out Demons When He Booted A CNN Reporter From The Oval Office | Right Wing Watch

Rich Vera: Trump's Decision To Move The Embassy To Jerusalem Will Release The Cure For Alzheimer's | Right Wing Watch

Tomi Lahren Blames Liberals For The 'Tide Pod Challenge' | Right Wing Watch

Community outraged over church sign in Jeffersonville

A church elder’s Ashley Madison affairs led him to the dark Web — and murder, police say - The Washington Post


Only for those with the strongest of stomachs

The inevitable conclusion to the laundry pod.

Direct download: cd399.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories from the week

Turpin family: Aunts of 13 captive children reveal years of secrecy and concerns - CNN

Flat-earth rocket pilot on February launch: I expect 'more viewers than the Super Bowl' | PhillyVoice

Call for age limit after chiropractor breaks baby's neck

Texas Judge Jack Robison says God told him to speak up for defendant  

‘I hung up the phone and Hillary collapsed’: Self-styled Trump ‘prophet’ says his prayers mowed down Clinton

Psychic paid $3.5 million from elderly woman for exorcisms gets prison for evading US taxes

Alex Jones Goes On Profanity-Laced Rant About CNN Anchors Saying 'Shithole' | Right Wing Watch 

Michigan pastor only gets 60 days after he's busted trying to hook up with 11-year-old in Craigslist sex sting 

Trump Administration Will Shield Health Workers Citing Religion To Refuse Care : Shots - Health News : NPR



"AHH!" - Alex Jones REMIX - YouTube

Mary Poppins Sings Death Metal - YouTube



Direct download: cd398.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Stories from the week

Gay couple sues over 'satan' themed wedding pamphlets [Video]

Grandparents of shackled children say 'God called on' parents to have so many kids

"13 siblings ages 2 to 29 'held captive' by parents, some shackled, officials say - ABC News "

She forced a crucifix down her 'possessed' daughter's throat. Now, she's convicted of murder. - The Washington Post

Study: 42 percent of Republicans believe accurate — but negative — stories qualify as ‘fake news’ - The Washington Post

If it Quacks Like a Duck - Oscillococcinum | Bad Science Debunked | 'Dehumanizing:' Pastor denounces Trump's remarks during service attended by VP Pence

Sandy Rios: Liberals In Hawaii May Have Orchestrated False Missile Alert | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: Media Will Soon Claim Trump Rapes And Eats Haitian Babies | Right Wing Watch


Britt Hermes is a former naturopath who now campaigns against naturopathic practices. She's recently been taken to court in Germany by US-based naturopath ‘Dr’ Colleen Huber in a defamation lawsuit.

Australian Skeptics Inc is managing a fundraising campaign to assist Britt in her current legal action.

Please consider contributing to the Skeptic Law fund for Britt Hermes



"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana Re-Mixed in a Major Key


Secular Therapists/Therapy Please use and share these links with anyone seeking professional help within a secular framework.

SMART Recovery® Local Meetings

Meetings Archive | SECULAR AA

Secular Therapy Project — Recovering from Religion


For those that appreciate visual wordplay on an auditory medium, here is the reference A Malliard Reaction 

Direct download: cd397.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

We Regret to Inform You That Donald Trump's 'Gorilla Channel' Is Totally Fake


Mascoutah priest charged with 16 counts of child pornography, possession of meth


Oprah’s long history with junk science




Linda Harvey: We Must ‘Re-Horrify People About The Sin Of Homosexuality’


Gwyneth Paltrow wants you to squirt coffee up your asshole using this $135 glass jar




Ken Blackwell Says Dissolved Voter Fraud Commission Will Maintain White House Access


Dave Daubenmire: ‘Oprah For President’ Talk Is Preparing America For White Genocide

Direct download: cd396.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Jim Bakker: Washington Train Derailment Was A Warning From God


Rapper B.o.B.: Bill Nye Needs To Read More Books To Understand the Flat Earth


Meet 2018's Newest Bonkers Health Trend: "Raw Water"


Here Is the Worst Anti-Science BS of 2017


Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book


Kevin Swanson: 2017 Wildfires Were God Punishing California For ‘Turning Pedophiliacs And Homosexuals Into Heroes’


Liz Crokin: The CIA Uses Tunnels Underneath The Playboy Mansion To Traffic Child Sex Slaves

Direct download: cd395.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 7:52am CST

Here is the best and worst of 2017. Enjoy.

Direct download: _cd394.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

We are hiring: Go here to find out more about the job and how to apply:


Stories Covered In Episode:


Ohio priest under investigation for relationship with minor threw himself off Chicago skyscraper


Little girl thanks Trump ‘for letting us say Merry Christmas again!’ in new pro-Trump ad


Former Director of Atheist Lobbying Group Will Run for Governor of Maine


Billy Graham’s granddaughter smacks down modern evangelicals for ‘hypocritical’ Trump support




Louisiana superintendent refuses to stop illegally preaching to students — so now he’s getting sued


Shocker: “Yeti” poo, bones not actually from yeti


Former Federal Judge: Trump Is Packing the Courts with Unqualified Conservative Extremists


'Fake news' blunder from US envoy to the Netherlands


The Terrible Anti-LGBTQ First Year Of The Promised ‘Pro-Gay’ President Trump


WonderBilbe Video:


Alex Jones Last Christmas:


Direct download: cd393.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST