This Guy’s Running for Elected Office in Texas, So He Just Trashed Atheists in His Latest Campaign Ad
I'll stick to Muggle science, thanks
Chiropractors head to Haiti, Dominican Republic
Elf highway blockade
Trent Frank Agrees That Obama Is Either A Secret Muslim Or Acting Just Like One
The Year In Homophobia: Ten Of The Worst Anti-LGBT Stories Of 2013
Nativist Of The Year Award: Eight Of 2013's Worst Xenophobic Leaders
Ugandan MPs pass life in jail anti-homosexual law
Klingenschmitt: Gays 'Have Something Unhuman Inside Of Them
Russian actor who ran for president wants to put all gay people ‘in the oven’
Candidate for Congress compares ‘Duck Dynasty’ star to Rosa Parks
Radical Islamist Amputates Hands in Accordance with Sharia Law
Police: Minnesota pastor told girls he could ‘take the demons out,’ raped them for years
Christian talker: Rape and incest exceptions are like allowing unfettered Muslim abortion
South Carolina Senate Candidate Itching To Refight The Civil War
Fox News Host Megyn Kelly Assures Children: Jesus and Santa Are Both White Men
Conservative Catholic Group Ties Illinois Tornadoes To Gay Marriage
Creationist home school curriculum isn’t just inaccurate — it’s really, really dumb
Republican official: It’s ‘immoral’ to insure gays because their ‘lifestyle’ kills them
Bill O’Reilly: Jesus is not ‘down with’ food stamps because most poor people are drug addicts
Rick Santorum compares Obamacare to apartheid in clumsy Mandela tribute
Shi’ite Muslims Around the World Mark Ashura
Egyptian Fatwa: Women who swim in the ocean guilty of adultery
Video mash-up shows Republicans citing the Bible to oppose climate change action
Oklahoma Satanists Want to Donate Monument Next to State Ten Commandments Display.
Renew America: Gay Marriage Is A Satanic Plot To Murder Christians
Special thanks to Mike from the Skeptic’s Guide to Conspiracy:
Gene Rosen, Sandy Hook Hero, Harassed By Conspiracy Theorists Who Claim He's An Actor
Birther preacher claims Obama had mother of his ‘love child’ killed outside White House
Noam Chomsky slaps down 9/11 truther: People spend an hour on the Internet and think they know physics
Report: Parents of Injured Baby Choose Emergency Baptism Over Hospital Visit, With Fatal Consequences
Catholic bishop performs ‘exorcism’ with armed officers over Illinois same sex marriage
Afghanistan 'plans to reintroduce public stoning as punishment for adultery'
Tea Party Nation Exposes 'The Gay Food Nazis' Once And For All
LDS Masturbation Manual -