Cognitive Dissonance

Pat Robertson Tells Woman Her Disease Returned Because She Wasn’t Godly Enough – Friendly Atheist

Dave Daubenmire: The Royal Wedding Was A 'Psy Op' To Promote 'The Blending Of The Races' | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: The Democratic Party Uses MS-13 To Kill People | Right Wing Watch

Trump cancels nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Three reasons moderate Republicans are backing an immigration vote to protect dreamers - Washington Post

Trump again smears a large immigrant community with the violent actions of a few people - The Washington Post

How the Mueller Investigation Could Play Out for Trump - The New York Times

Republican lawmaker: Rocks tumbling into ocean causing sea level rise 

Flying Horse - Gatorrada (Cat-Toast) 



Citation Needed Live Show!

Sat, August 11, 2018

Victory Gardens Biograph Theater (map)

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM CDT

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

Feds: Mich. pastor posed as teen to lure girls online

These taxpayer-funded Jewish schools are dooming young men to poverty

Wayne Allyn Root Blames Deaths In Tesla Crash On Environmentalism | Right Wing Watch

Indonesia Church Bombings Carried Out by Family With Children in Tow - The New York Times

Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy - The New York Times

We Made a Tool So You Can Hear Both Yanny and Laurel - The New York Times

Rodney Howard-Browne: It Would Be 'Just Great' To See Government Leaders And SCOTUS Justices Executed For Treason Via Firing Squad | Right Wing Watch

Family Research Council head Tony Perkins tapped for religion commission |

Trump Supporter Wants Muslim 'Hibi-Jabis' Fired From TSA | Right Wing Watch

Trump calls some illegal immigrants "animals" in meeting with sheriffs - CBS News

Trump Refers To Immigrants As 'Animals.' Again. | HuffPost

Brainstorm or Green Needle? - YouTube

200 dropped wallets- the 20 MOST and LEAST HONEST cities - YouTube

How real “crisis actors” help first responders prepare for emergency situations.

FACT CHECK: Did 'The Simpsons' Anticipate a Donald Trump Presidency?

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

Franklin Graham: Trump’s Affair with Stormy Daniels is “Nobody’s Business” – Friendly Atheist

Alex Jones: Trump Is Fighting A Computer Program That Has Decided To Kill Humans | Right Wing Watch

Liz Crokin: We'll Soon See More Than 20,000 People Arrested For 'The Rape, Torture And Sacrifice Of Children' | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: 'I Would Believe A Million' People Are Trying To Kill Trump | Right Wing Watch

Michael Snyder Says That If Elected, He'll Be 'Ranting Like Alex Jones' On The House Floor | Right Wing Watch

Minnesota priest accused of abusing 60 boys in Guam -

Why the uninsured rate is rising—and only for Republicans.

Money Flowed to Michael Cohen. Where Did It Go? - Bloomberg

Trump appointing Dr. Oz to his sport, fitness and nutrition council - CNNPolitics

People think she’s a Parkland ‘crisis actor.’ It’s terrifying.

Rudy Giuliani's Quotes Trump the Truth for the President | National Review

Trump makes it explicit: Negative coverage of him is fake coverage - The Washington Post


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Hope After Dark 018 - Cognitive Dissonance 

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Stories From The Week

It appears China has stopped buying soybeans from the US altogether because of trade fight

China Shunning U.S. Soybeans on Trade Tensions, Bunge CEO Says - Bloomberg

4 things to remember about the North Korea talks - Chicago Tribune

Focus on human rights fades as U.S., South Korea pursue North Korea deal

Trump Admits To Authorizing Stormy Daniels Payoff, Denies Sexual Encounter : NPR

Feds monitored Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's phones

Seattle Vacates Hundreds of Marijuana Charges Going Back 30 Years

The men arrested at Starbucks are paying it forward big time - CNN

What are Poverty Thresholds and Poverty Guidelines? | Institute for Research on Poverty | University of Wisconsin–Madison

HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s proposal to triple rents for poorest households would hurt single mothers 

the most - The Washington Post

Michelle Wolf Selective Outrage Is More Than Simple Hypocrisy | National Review

Trump Wants Presidential Elections to Be Decided by Popular Vote, Which He Lost

Direct download: cd413.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Bryan Fischer: Jewish People & Other Non-Christians Don't Have First Amendment Rights | Right Wing Watch

Iowa approves 'most restrictive abortion bill in US' - BBC News

Tennessee lawmakers OK monument ‘In Memory of the Victims of Abortion’ |

Jim Bakker: Government Scientists Say Morningside Is The Best Place To Ride Out The End Times | Right Wing Watch

Gun Owners Of America's Larry Pratt Suggests 'Little Twerp' David Hogg May Be Crisis Actor | Right Wing Watch

Toronto Van Attack Suspect Expressed Anger at Women - The New York Times

Jim Bakker: God Sent Two Scientists To Cure Cancer, But They Were Aborted | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker Bucket Taste Test | Good Mythical Morning 

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year 

If Alex Jones did Voiceover for Doom(2016) | YouTube 

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST