Pat Robertson Tells Woman Her Disease Returned Because She Wasn’t Godly Enough – Friendly Atheist
Dave Daubenmire: The Royal Wedding Was A 'Psy Op' To Promote 'The Blending Of The Races' | Right Wing Watch
Alex Jones: The Democratic Party Uses MS-13 To Kill People | Right Wing Watch
Trump cancels nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
Three reasons moderate Republicans are backing an immigration vote to protect dreamers - Washington Post
Trump again smears a large immigrant community with the violent actions of a few people - The Washington Post
How the Mueller Investigation Could Play Out for Trump - The New York Times
Republican lawmaker: Rocks tumbling into ocean causing sea level rise
Flying Horse - Gatorrada (Cat-Toast)
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Sat, August 11, 2018
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Feds: Mich. pastor posed as teen to lure girls online
These taxpayer-funded Jewish schools are dooming young men to poverty
Wayne Allyn Root Blames Deaths In Tesla Crash On Environmentalism | Right Wing Watch
Indonesia Church Bombings Carried Out by Family With Children in Tow - The New York Times
Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy - The New York Times
We Made a Tool So You Can Hear Both Yanny and Laurel - The New York Times
Rodney Howard-Browne: It Would Be 'Just Great' To See Government Leaders And SCOTUS Justices Executed For Treason Via Firing Squad | Right Wing Watch
Family Research Council head Tony Perkins tapped for religion commission |
Trump Supporter Wants Muslim 'Hibi-Jabis' Fired From TSA | Right Wing Watch
Trump calls some illegal immigrants "animals" in meeting with sheriffs - CBS News
Trump Refers To Immigrants As 'Animals.' Again. | HuffPost
Brainstorm or Green Needle? - YouTube
200 dropped wallets- the 20 MOST and LEAST HONEST cities - YouTube
How real “crisis actors” help first responders prepare for emergency situations.
FACT CHECK: Did 'The Simpsons' Anticipate a Donald Trump Presidency?
Franklin Graham: Trump’s Affair with Stormy Daniels is “Nobody’s Business” – Friendly Atheist
Alex Jones: Trump Is Fighting A Computer Program That Has Decided To Kill Humans | Right Wing Watch
Liz Crokin: We'll Soon See More Than 20,000 People Arrested For 'The Rape, Torture And Sacrifice Of Children' | Right Wing Watch
Jim Bakker: 'I Would Believe A Million' People Are Trying To Kill Trump | Right Wing Watch
Michael Snyder Says That If Elected, He'll Be 'Ranting Like Alex Jones' On The House Floor | Right Wing Watch
Minnesota priest accused of abusing 60 boys in Guam -
Why the uninsured rate is rising—and only for Republicans.
Money Flowed to Michael Cohen. Where Did It Go? - Bloomberg
Trump appointing Dr. Oz to his sport, fitness and nutrition council - CNNPolitics
People think she’s a Parkland ‘crisis actor.’ It’s terrifying.
Rudy Giuliani's Quotes Trump the Truth for the President | National Review
Trump makes it explicit: Negative coverage of him is fake coverage - The Washington Post
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TheWoodHardShop Etsy Store
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Hope After Dark 018 - Cognitive Dissonance
It appears China has stopped buying soybeans from the US altogether because of trade fight
China Shunning U.S. Soybeans on Trade Tensions, Bunge CEO Says - Bloomberg
4 things to remember about the North Korea talks - Chicago Tribune
Focus on human rights fades as U.S., South Korea pursue North Korea deal
Trump Admits To Authorizing Stormy Daniels Payoff, Denies Sexual Encounter : NPR
Feds monitored Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's phones
Seattle Vacates Hundreds of Marijuana Charges Going Back 30 Years
The men arrested at Starbucks are paying it forward big time - CNN
What are Poverty Thresholds and Poverty Guidelines? | Institute for Research on Poverty | University of Wisconsin–Madison
HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s proposal to triple rents for poorest households would hurt single mothers
the most - The Washington Post
Michelle Wolf Selective Outrage Is More Than Simple Hypocrisy | National Review
Trump Wants Presidential Elections to Be Decided by Popular Vote, Which He Lost
Bryan Fischer: Jewish People & Other Non-Christians Don't Have First Amendment Rights | Right Wing Watch
Iowa approves 'most restrictive abortion bill in US' - BBC News
Tennessee lawmakers OK monument ‘In Memory of the Victims of Abortion’ |
Jim Bakker: Government Scientists Say Morningside Is The Best Place To Ride Out The End Times | Right Wing Watch
Gun Owners Of America's Larry Pratt Suggests 'Little Twerp' David Hogg May Be Crisis Actor | Right Wing Watch
Toronto Van Attack Suspect Expressed Anger at Women - The New York Times
Jim Bakker: God Sent Two Scientists To Cure Cancer, But They Were Aborted | Right Wing Watch
Jim Bakker Bucket Taste Test | Good Mythical Morning
Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year
If Alex Jones did Voiceover for Doom(2016) | YouTube