South America has become a safe haven for the Catholic Church’s alleged child molesters. The Vatican has no comment
Oklahoma Pre-K teacher allegedly calls being left-handed ‘evil’ and ‘sinister’
Michigan GOPer: Planned Parenthood teaches sex ed so they can drum up more abortion business
'I Don't Believe In Women Voting': Theodore Shoebat Declares That 'Women Have No Place In Politics'
Facebook Troll Strikes Again to Defend Rainbow-Colored Doritos
Rick Santorum: Kim Davis is like victim of the Columbine massacre
Staver: Gay Marriage Is Leading America 'Into The Very Pit Of Hell'
Carly Fiorina won the GOP debate, but fact checkers will have a field day
Jewish chicken-slaughter ritual gets OK from judge
Syria's refugee crisis in numbers
NASA refutes Christian claims that the blood moon on September 28 will cause end of world
Fashion police: Alabama town to ban saggy pants and too-short shorts after councilman ‘prayed about this’
Church of Bacon sees rush of new members after free wedding offer
Topless protesters disrupt Muslim conference on women
Ken Ham: If Evolution Says Humans Are Animals, Why Bother Worrying About Climate Change?
Liberty U pastor tells Bernie Sanders that cops shoot unarmed black people because of sin — not racism
Texas lawyer exposes religious hiring test for peace officers: County only wanted Baptist constables
Huckabee Aide Physically Blocked Cruz From Getting Into Kim Davis Money Shot
Staver: Requiring Kim Davis To Do Her Job Is Like Forcing Her 'To Grant A License To Sodomize Children'
Jonathan Cahn: Kim Davis, Gay Rights And Two Cows Prove God's Wrath Is Imminent
Florida gun maker thinks ‘Crusader’ gun will act as ‘Muslim terrorist’ kryptonite
Catholic Priest Claims 15 Year-Old Teen 'Wanted' Sexual Contact
'Do You Have Ammunition And Guns And God?': Glenn Beck Warns That Fascism, War, And Hunger Are Coming
The Secret to the Psychic Trade? It’s in the Parole Board Transcripts
Christian rock musician from Chicopee held without bail on child pornography possession charges
Pope Francis to allow priests to forgive women who had abortions
The Sad Reason Josh Duggar's Wife Won't Leave Him