Cognitive Dissonance

South America has become a safe haven for the Catholic Church’s alleged child molesters. The Vatican has no comment


Oklahoma Pre-K teacher allegedly calls being left-handed ‘evil’ and ‘sinister’


Michigan GOPer: Planned Parenthood teaches sex ed so they can drum up more abortion business


'I Don't Believe In Women Voting': Theodore Shoebat Declares That 'Women Have No Place In Politics'


Facebook Troll Strikes Again to Defend Rainbow-Colored Doritos


Rick Santorum: Kim Davis is like victim of the Columbine massacre


Staver: Gay Marriage Is Leading America 'Into The Very Pit Of Hell'


Carly Fiorina won the GOP debate, but fact checkers will have a field day

Jewish chicken-slaughter ritual gets OK from judge

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

Direct download: cd250.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST

NASA refutes Christian claims that the blood moon on September 28 will cause end of world


Fashion police: Alabama town to ban saggy pants and too-short shorts after councilman ‘prayed about this’


Church of Bacon sees rush of new members after free wedding offer


Topless protesters disrupt Muslim conference on women


Ken Ham: If Evolution Says Humans Are Animals, Why Bother Worrying About Climate Change?


Liberty U pastor tells Bernie Sanders that cops shoot unarmed black people because of sin — not racism

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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST


Direct download: cd248.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST



Direct download: cd247.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 4:00am CST