We review revelations. You can find it in any bible.
6 Reasons (+2) to NOT Send Your Daughter to College
Yemen: 8 year old girl dies from internal injuries on wedding night
Volunteers search lake shoreline for missing teen
Uri Geller mystified by letterbox on Thames Sonning Bridge
NZ baby refused treatment by parents
Fox anchor asks viewers to consider if bombing Syria is a harbinger of the Second Coming of Christ
Pastor Has Sex With Teens To Cure Homosexuality
Iowa Youth Pastor Rapes Boys To ‘Cure’ Them Of Homosexuality, Won’t Spend One Day In Prison
Right-Wing Minister: Everything the Bible Says Will Eventually Be Confirmed By Science
In Caracas, water more precious than fuel
Cut into pieces: ‘She challenged God’s orders’
Creationist: Christians must challenge the ‘culture shift’ to rational, ‘humanist’ thought
Christians claim persecution after Patriots cut Tim Tebow
Black Jesus' hacked to death after girl's murder
Former Navy chaplain wants ‘worthy of death’ printed on all LGBT couples’ wedding photos
10 Weirdest Fundamentalist Christian Conspiracy Theories
Gohmert: ‘Scary’ that liberal elites would use vaccines for ‘culling the population’ of humans
Republican lawmaker says he serves God, not his constituents
Atheist Jailed When He Wouldn't Participate In Religious Parole Program Now Seeks Compensation
Alternative Medicine Providers Show Their Greedy Side
Bradlee Dean: Gays Commit Half Of All Murders, Obama Is A 'Homo' And Maddow Is A 'Shim'
Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS By Cutting People With Special Rings
Naked Church Camp Counselor Touches 13 Year Old Boy With Penis; Church Calls It “Horseplay”
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