Cognitive Dissonance

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Pro-Trump Group Files Motion Against FDA to Stop Covid-19 Vaccinations in U.S.

Noted Unvaccinated Trump Supporter Who Spread Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Dies of COVID-19

As Virus Resurges, G.O.P. Lawmakers Allow Vaccine Skepticism to Flourish

Companies claim there’s a labor shortage. Their solution? Prisoners

Norwegian women's beach handball team fined for not playing in bikinis

Direct download: cd587.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

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San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus soloists 'received death threats' after satirical song is misunderstood

Amid Catholic opposition, states are legalizing composting of human remains

Geocaching While Black: Outdoor Pastime Reveals Racism And Bias

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slashes Lauren Boebert For Call To End Government Benefits

Facebook Data Showed Right-Wing Echo Chamber, Execs Were Unhappy: NYT

Analysis | Why Facebook really, really doesn’t want to discourage extremism


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Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

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There Are Growing Calls to Finally Tax the Catholic Church

Catholics Who Couldn’t Raise $25m for Abuse Victims Found $300m for Buildings

Ex-Vatican adviser faces trial after telling gay men he could 'cure' them with sex

Archbishop fuels more anger by saying the church is being persecuted over residential schools

‘It shakes you to your core’: the anti-abortion extremists gaining ground on the right

Lauren Witzke Says the Equality Act Will 'Illegalize Jesus Christ'

MTG Compares Biden Vaccine Push to Nazis After Apology for Holocaust Comparisons

Swimming caps for natural black hair ruled out of Olympic Games

Namibia female runners banned from Olympic 400 meters over high testosterone levels

Olympics Banned Black Female Athlete For Five Years After Having An Abortion

How Black women athletes are being scrutinized ahead of the Olympics despite their successes



Direct download: cd585.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Direct download: cd584.mp3
Category:News and Politics -- posted at: 5:00am CST