Stories from the week
Alex Jones Accused of Sexual Harassment, Bullying at InfoWars - The Daily Beast
Former Infowars employees claim Alex Jones harassed them | Daily Mail Online
Prophets Gather At Trump's Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies | Right Wing Watch
Former Third-Level Illuminati Witch Predicts The End Times Will Begin In 2032, Once President Pence Leaves Office | Right Wing Watch
Holocaust Denier Will Be GOP Nominee In Congress Race – The Forward
Paul Begley: Obama Is Leading An Illuminati Plot To Assassinate Trump | Right Wing Watch
It's not okay how clueless Donald Trump is about climate change | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian
Far-Right Radio Host Claims Barack Obama Is Forming A Private Army To Assassinate Government Leaders | Right Wing Watch
How God Intervened To Stop Hillary Clinton And Satan From Killing 90 Percent Of Humanity | Right Wing Watch
Wall In a can - YouTube
Which Mammals Don't Get Arthritis (and why) - YouTube
TUNAK TUNAK TUN METAL | Bonde do Metaleiro & Bloodywood - YouTube
Christian Blasphemy Suspect in Pakistan Jumps from Building
‘Pro-lifers’ who’d execute women & popes who hate ‘fake news’
Married Youth Pastor Sexually Abused 14-Year-Old Girl (and His Church Hid It) – Friendly Atheist